Political Donations and Gifts Disclosure Statement

This form may be used to make a political donations and gifts disclosure under section 147(4) and (5) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 for applications or public submissions to a council.

Please read the following information before filling out the Disclosure Statement on  this form. Also refer to the ‘Glossary of terms’ provided in the application form.

Once completed, please attach the completed declaration to your planning application or submission.

Application Form

Step 1.Making a planning application to a council

Under section 147(4) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 (‘the Act’) a person who makes a relevant planning application to council is required to disclose the following reportable political donations and gifts (if any) made by any person with a financial interest in the application within the period commencing 2 years before the application is made and ending when the application is determined:

  1. all reportable political donations made to any local councillor of that council
  2. all gifts made to any local councillor or employee of that council

Step 2.Making a public submission to a council

Under section 147(5) of the Act a person who makes a relevant public submission to council in relation to a relevant planning application made to the council is required to disclose the following reportable political donations and gifts (if any) made by the person making the submission or any associate of that person within the period commencing 2 years before the submission is made and ending when the application is determined:

  1. all reportable political donations made to any local councillor of that council
  2. all gifts made to any local councillor or employee of that council

A reference in sections 147(4) and 147(5) of the Act to a reportable political donation made to a ‘local councillor’ includes a reference to a donation made at the time the person was a candidate for election to the council.

Step 3.How and when do you make a disclosure?

The disclosure of a reportable political donation or gift under section 147 of the Act is to be made:

  1. in, or in a statement accompanying, the relevant planning application or submission if the donation or gift is made before the application or submission is made, or 
  2. if the donation or gift is made afterwards, in a statement of the person to whom the relevant planning application or submission was made within 7 days after the donation or gift is made.

Step 4.What information needs to be in a disclosure?

The information requirements of the disclosure are outlined in the Act under section 147(9) for political donations and section 147(10) for gifts.

Pages 5 and 6 of this document include a Disclosure Statement Template which outlines the relevant information requirements for disclosures to a council.

Step 5.Application form

Once completed, please attach the completed declaration to your planning application or submission.

Political Donations Gifts Disclosure Statement(PDF, 62KB)