Please report fallen trees or debris on roads to Council 02 6540 1100. Please report fallen trees on property to NSW SES on 132 500.
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The NSW Environment Protection Authority (EPA) produces a document titled Dealing with Neighbourhood Noise which outlines steps that you can take to prevent noise being an issue for you.
In most cases you are advised to solve the problem by speaking with whoever is causing the noise that is effecting you. They may not realise that the noise is creating a problem for you. If talking does not resolve the issue you can contact the Community Justice Centre for free advice.
Council’s Environmental & Customer Services Department can investigate noise issues under the Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997. Council can utilize various tools under the legislation to control noise and advise what noise levels are acceptable.
Please note that noise emanating from licensed premises such as pubs and clubs will be referred to the Office of Liquor and Gaming.