Please report fallen trees or debris on roads to Council 02 6540 1100. Please report fallen trees on property to NSW SES on 132 500.
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Find out more about the Upper Hunter Shire Council
Find upcoming and previously held Council and Committee meetings here.
Upper Hunter Shire Council consists of 9 Councillors who are elected by the residents of the Shire every 4 years. Councillors then elect a Mayor and Deputy Mayor every 2 years.
Updates and details of Council's major projects.
This page provides access to a wide range of Upper Hunter Shire Council documents and all policies.
Each year Council reviews its fees and charges for services, facilities and documents.
Latest news and public notices.
Start your career at Council. Find current vacancies here.
Latest public notices.
Upper Hunter Shire Council provides access to information in accordance with the Government Information (Public Access) Act (GIPA) 2009.
Upper Hunter Shire Council is seeking community feedback on a proposed Special Rate Variation (SRV) to secure the necessary funding to maintain current service levels and address essential infrastructure needs.