Please report fallen trees or debris on roads to Council 02 6540 1100. Please report fallen trees on property to NSW SES on 132 500.
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Council’s Environmental & Community Services Department investigates environmental health complaints including incidents of pollution in an effort to prevent and minimize pollutants and hazardous materials from entering our environment. Pollution matters will usually fall within one of four main types of pollution these being air, noise, land and water.
In most cases, concern about pollutants should be referred to the source or person causing the problem. If the issue cannot be resolved, contact Upper Hunter Shire Council to report incidents or visit the Environment Protection Authority website for further information.
During winter, smoke from domestic woodheaters can have a significant impact on local air quality. Pollutants in the smoke may include gasses such as carbon monoxide, organic compounds, including air toxins and fine particles.
When investigating complaints about smoke, ash and fumes Council considers:
Some ways to reduce woodsmoke include:
EPA Website